Review and Revision: What’s the Difference?

To review means to consider something again, to evaluate something. Review is about thinking about it.
To review is a verb, review is a noun.

To revise means to change, correct, add, update something. To revise means to edit something. Revise is about acting on it. Go back to a document to make some changes and improvements. Editing and proofreading are two parts of revision.
To revise is a verb, revision is a noun.
👆In British English to revise means the same as to review.
She revised [=(US) reviewed] her article before sending it to the editor.

"I reviewed the document" means that I looked the document over for mistakes, but not that I corrected it. If that is what I meant, I would say "I have reviewed and corrected the document."

"I revised the document" means that I changed the document.

Actually both of these verbs describe different steps in one process: after reviewing something that you had written, you could revise it and make it even better!
So, to review something is to read it or look at it again. To revise something is to make changes in it.

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